

Wine is one of the most consumed beverages in the world with 33 billion bottles produced annually. The alcohol content is on average 12% for a bottle of red French wine. Concerning the nutritional composition, wine contains fewer carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins than grapes.

Amount per 100 g

Energy 82.1 kcal
Water 86.8 g
Alcohol 10.2 g
Protein 0.07 g
Lipids 0 g
Carbohydrates 2.63 g
Sugars 0.62 g
Fiber 0 g
Potassium (K) 118 mg
Magnesium (Mg) 7.13 mg
Phosphorus (P) 18.7 mg
Vitamin C 0 mg
Vitamin K 0.4 μg
Vitamin B1 5 μg
Vitamin B2 27 μg
Vitamin B3 180 μg
Vitamin B5 87 μg
Vitamin B6 43 μg
Vitamin B9 0.73 μg

Source : Ciqual Anses

Red wine has a high content of phenolic compounds, with a total polyphenol of 215.48 mg /100 mL (32.1 mg /100 mL for white wine) assessed by Folin assay, mainly flavonoids (e.g., anthocyanins, flavanols, flavonols, flavanones), phenolic acids (hydroxycinnamic and hydroxybenzoic acids) and stilbenes (resveratrol, d- and e-viniferin).

The French Paradox suggests that consuming red wine daily not only helps the cardiovascular system, but also increases the lifetime, despite the ingestion of high levels of saturated fat. It is known that excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of liver cirrhosis and cancer, while low to moderate red wine consumption has been associated with health-promoting properties correlated with their flavonoid compound’s composition. Polyphenols, especially resveratrol play a significant role in cardio protection and has anticancer effects.